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发布时间:2022-06-21 作者: 浏览次数:8056












 马娜娜,博士,20136月获得理学博士学位,20137月进入im体育农业大学im体育工作至今。在番茄抗逆性及分子机制研究方面做了大量工作,以通讯作者和第一作者在New PhytologistPlant PhysiologyPlant JournalJournal of Experimental BotanyPlant & Cell Physiology等杂志发表30余篇研究论文。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金和三项im体育自然科学基金,并参与多项国家自然科学基金面上项目和重点项目。




  1. 植物光保护机制

  2. 番茄抗性及品质改良


  1. 国家自然科学青年基金:低温胁迫下转录因子SlWHY1调控Rubisco酶活的分子机制(31900208),2020-2022,主持人;

  2. im体育自然科学面上项目:转录因子SlWRKY20调控番茄高温响应的分子机制 (ZR2023MC128),2024-2026,主持人;

  3. im体育自然科学青年基金:高温胁迫下,SlJA2调控气孔运动的分子机制研究(ZR2018QC001),2018-2020,主持人;

  4. im体育博士基金:番茄NAC1转录因子调控果实成熟的分子机理研究(BS2014SW003),主持人;


  1. Yang MM, Wang YX, Chen C, Xin X, Dai SS, Meng C*, Ma NN*. Transcription factor WRKY75 maintains auxin homeostasis to promote tomato defense against Pseudomonas syringae. Plant Physiol., 2024, 00: 1-16. *通讯作者)

  2. Zhang M, Zhang MY, Wang JY, Dai SS, Zhang MH, Meng QW, Ma NN*, Zhuang KY*. Salicylic acid regulates two photosystem II protection pathways in tomato under chilling stress mediated by ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE 3-like proteins. Plant J., 2023, 114: 1385-1404. *通讯作者)

  3. Wang JY, Chen C, Wu CZ, Meng QW, Zhuang KY*, Ma NN*. SlMYB41 positively regulates tomato thermotolerance by activating the expression of SlHSP90.3. Plant Physiol. Biochem., 2023, 204:108106. *通讯作者)

  4. Zhuang KY, Kong FY, Zhang S, Meng C, Yang MM, Liu ZB, Wang Y, Ma NN*, Meng QW*. Whirly1 enhances tolerance to chilling stress in tomato via protection of photosystem II and regulation of starch degradation. New Phytol., 2019, 221: 1998-2012. *通讯作者)

  5. Zhuang KY, Wang JY, Jiao BZ, Chen C, Zhang JJ, Ma NN*, Meng QW*. WHIRLY1 maintains leaf photosynthetic capacity in tomato by regulating the expression of RbcS1 under chilling stress. J Exp. Bot., 2020, 71(12): 3653-3663. *通讯作者)

  6. Zhang S, Chen C, Dai SS, Yang MM, Meng QW, Lv W, Ma NN*. A Tomato Putative Metalloprotease SlEGY2 Plays a Positive Role in Thermotolerance. Agriculture, 2022, 12(7): 940-940. *通讯作者)

  7. Lv JL, Yang MM, Meng QW, Zhuang KY*, Ma NN*. Chloroplast metalloproteinase SlL2 reduces the thermotolerance of tomato by decreasing the content of SlCDJ1. Protoplasma, 2023, 260:1193-1205. *通讯作者)

  8. Yang DY, Zhuang KY, Ma NN*. Overexpression of SlGGP-LIKE gene enhanced the resistance of tomato to salt stress. Protoplasma, 2023, 260: 625-635. *通讯作者)

  9. Diao PF, Chen C, Zhang YZ, Meng QW, Lv W, Ma NN*. The role of NAC transcription factor in plant cold response. Plant Signal Behav., 2020, 15: e1785668. *通讯作者)

  10. Li XD, Zhuang KY, Liu ZM, Yang DY, Ma NN*, Meng Q W*. Overexpression of a novel NAC-type tomato transcription factor, SlNAM1, enhances the chilling stress of transgenic tobacco. J. Plant Physiol., 2016, 204: 54-65. *通讯作者)

  11. Zhang S, Zhuang KY, Wang SJ, Lv JL, Ma NN *, Meng QW*. A novel tomato SUMO E3 ligase, SlSIZ1, confers drought tolerance in transgenic tobacco. J. Integr. Plant Biol., 201659102-117. *通讯作者)

  12. Zhang S, Wang SJ, Lv JL, Liu ZB, Wang Y, Ma NN*, Meng QW*. SUMO E3 ligase SlSIZ1 facilitates heat tolerance in tomato. Plant Cell Physiol., 2018, 59: 58-71. *通讯作者)

  13. Liu ZM, Yue MM, Yang DY, Zhu SB, Ma NN *, Meng QW *. Over-expression of SlJA2 decreased heat tolerance of transgenic tobacco plants via salicylic acid pathway. Plant Cell Rep., 2017, 36: 529-542. *通讯作者)

  14. Mao K, Zhang M, Kong Y, Dai S, Wang Y, Meng Q, Ma N*, Lv W*. Origin, expansion, and divergence of ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE 3 (EIN3)/EIN3-LIKE transcription factors during streptophytes evolution. Frontiers Plant Sci., 2022, 858477. *通讯作者)

  15. Yang MM, Zhu SB, Jiao BJ, Duan M, Meng QW, Ma NN*, Lv W*. SlSGRL, a tomato SGR-like protein, promotes chlorophyll degradation downstream of the ABA signaling pathway. Plant Physiol. Biochem., 2020, 157: 316-327. *通讯作者)

  16. Ma NN, Dong LN, Lv W, Lv JL, Meng QW, Liu P. Transcriptome analysis of maize seedling roots in response to nitrogen-, phosphorus-, and potassium deficiency. Plant Soil, 2020, 447: 637-658.

  17. Ma NN, Feng HL, Meng X, Li D, Yang DY, Wu CA, Meng QW. Overexpression of tomato SlNAC1 transcription factor alters fruit pigmentation and softening. BMC Plant Biol, 2014, 14: 351.

  18. Ma NN, Zuo YQ, Liang XQ, Yin B, Wang GD, Meng QW. The multiple stress-responsive transcription factor SlNAC1 improves the chilling tolerance of tomato. Physiol. Plant., 2013, 149 (4): 474-486.

  19. DY Yang#, NN Ma#, KY Zhuang, SB Zhu, ZM Liu, XH Yang. Overexpression of tomato SlGGP-LIKE gene improves tobacco tolerance to methyl viologen-mediated oxidative stress. J. Plant Physiol., 2017, 31-41. #并列一作)

  20. Liang XQ#, Ma NN#, Wang GD, Meng X, Ai XZ, Meng QW. Suppression of SlNAC1reduces heat resistance in tomato plants. Biol. Plant., 2015, 59 (1): 92-98. #并列一作)

  21. Yang DY#, Ma NN#, Liu ZM, Zhao SJ, Meng QW. Suppression of tomato SlGGP aggravates methyl viologen-mediated oxidative stress. Biol. Plant., 2016, 60 (4): 677-685. #并列一作)

  22. Ming N#, Ma NN#, Jiao BZ, Lv, W, Meng QW. Genome wide identification of C2H2-type zinc finger proteins of tomato and expression analysis under different abiotic stresses. Plant Mol. Biol. Rep., 2020, 38: 75-94. #并列一作)

  23. Li D, Ma NN, Wang JR, Yang DY, Zhao SJ, Meng QW. Over-expression of LeENH1 in tobacco enhanced salinity tolerance by discharging Na+ out of cell and transporting into vacuole. Plant Physiol. Biochem., 2013, 70: 150-158.

  24. Feng HL, Ma NN, Meng X, Zhang S, Chai S, Meng QW. A novel tomato MYC-type ICE1-like transcription factor, SlICE1a, confers cold, osmotic and salt tolerance in transgenic tobacco. Plant Physiol. Biochem., 2013, 73: 309-320.

  25. Duan M, Ma NN, Li D, Deng YS, Kong FY, Lv W, Meng QW. Antisense-mediated suppression of tomato thylakoidal ascorbate peroxidase influences anti-oxidant network during chilling stress. Plant Physiol. Biochem., 2012, 58: 37-45.

  26. 左衍秋, 马娜娜, 梁晓庆, 岳萌萌, 孟庆伟。过表达LeNLP4转录因子提高番茄抗低温胁迫能力。植物生理学报201450 (4): 501-509.

  27. Yang S, Tang XF, Ma NN, Wang LY, Meng QW. Heterology expression of the sweet pepper CBF3 gene confers elevated tolerance to chilling stress in transgenic tobacco. J. Plant Physiol., 2011, 168(15): 1804-1812.

  28. Li F, Wu QY, Sun YL, Ma NN, Wang XY, Meng QW. Evidence that the amino acid residue Cys117 of chloroplastic monodehydroascorbate reductase is involved in its activity, structure and stability. Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 2010, 46: 350-355.

  29. LY Wang, X Meng, DY Yang, NN Ma, GD Wang, QW Meng*. Overexpression of tomato GDP-L-galactose phosphorylase gene in tob acco improves tolerance to chilling stress. Plant Cell Rep., 2014, 33(9): 1441-1451.

  30. Wang HS, Yu C, Tang XF, Zhu ZJ, Ma NN, Meng QW *. A tomato endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-type omega-3 fatty acid desaturase (LeFAD3) functions in early seedling tolerance to salinity stress. Plant Cell Rep., 2013, 33(1): 131-142.

  31. GD Wang, GH Cai, FY Kong, YS Deng, NN Ma, QW Meng*. Overexpression of tomato chloroplast-targeted DnaJ protein enhances tolerance to drought stress and resistance to Pseudomonas solanacearum in transgenic tobacco. Plant Physiol. Biochem., 2014, 2(82C): 95-104.
